Province of New Brunswick
We cross the line which takes us to the province of New Brunswick. Nayla is happy to speak English again, as if it were the language of the journey. And Fibie wonders if she will be able to swim in the sea, lakes and rivers. For my part, I feel a deep sense of relief. The tension on the roads was so intense that it had almost taken the joy out of cycling, with most drivers speeding past us, often without realising it. Here, at the first crossroads, it's already different.
A magnificent welcome
Immediately, we feel the outlines of what will tint our experience. A magnificent welcome. From the banner made by a family, it will grow day by day, to celebrate our nomadic and adventurous way of life. Above all, it will be an encounter with the Acadian people and their infinite generosity.
A people that history has tormented and yet they are here, standing with dignity and strength, confident in their customs and culture. They speak Acadian French or Chiac, regional languages that are part of their identity. We like these differences, they symbolize the way each people looks at the world around them. It also illustrates the perpetual transformation of each culture. In life, everything changes.
Historical Village
We follow the Baie des Chaleurs and arrive on the Acadian Peninsula. We enter the historical village and discover the daily life of this people in the 19th century. Diving into history, Nayla and Fibie like to run into each house and building to discover a new world. They enjoyed watching the spinning of wool and discovering the plants and minerals used to dye it. The making of the barrels was also a source of wonder, as were the costumes, which were fascinating to them. Their eyes sparkle because they are witnesses to the life of another time.
Véloroute of the Péninsule Acadienne
We discover the velo route of the Acadian Peninsula. This is where we celebrate our 80'000 km on the roads of the world. A symbolic figure in this nomadic life. For Nayla, it's already 43,000 km. Fibie has been a nomad for 18,000 km, mostly in the heart of the wilderness. Here she is euphoric because she can finally cycle on her own to discover this land surrounded by the sea. On one side, the warm waters of the Baie-des-Chaleurs and on the other, the Gulf of St. Lawrence and its exceptional marine life.
Following the Acadian star, we cycle on these new cycling paths facing the breathtaking view of the peninsula. Sand or pebble beaches, each day we dive into the water and play in the waves. We reach the last island, Miscou Island, passing from bridge to bridge to reach this end of the world. The lighthouses lead us along the coastline and to capture the Acadian essence, a phenomenal joy of living.
Every day we are warmly greeted, both to discover a little of the life of this people or to share our story. And so whether we witness a sunrise over shimmering water or a sunset over roaring waves, we are dazzled by the generosity, from a popsicle along the road to a basket of wild blueberries a woman picked for us.
Video Quebec 2021
With synchronicity, we arrive in Caraquet for the Tintamarre. We participate in this loud celebration to show the vitality and solidarity of the Acadian people. Always more noise, it is obviously with great enthusiasm that the girls enter the parade. This festival is a reminder to others that the Acadians are still present. Indeed, the festivities begin at 5:55 p.m., a symbolic number since it was in 1755 that the deportation and mass expropriation of these people took place. Of the 12,000 people expelled, 8,000 died as a result. The minority of the survivors searched for a long time before finding a new land to settle on.