Three years to reach New Zealand. After all, this aim, that sometimes pulled us when nothing made sense, is dissipating slowly. It fades behind the experiences of the path. It disappears as we fully enter this nomadic life. And ultimately, this way shows us the power of places.
For so many cultures, Land is sacred. In this world dictated by the time, imposed by the industrial time, a new time can only appear in places. In this world of instant communication, isn't it the location that gives time its fullest realisation?
We entered a world where spaces precedes time, where the notion of sacred Land that so many native peoples sing, opens us the door to a new initiation. A place after the other, an ambience after the other, a meeting after the other, we live in an arboricultural time, a natural time. A time that flows in the rhythm of a breathe, of the roots that grows in the land, of the metamorphosis of the embers, of the rhythm of the waves on the sand.